Why Regular, Proper Website Maintenance Is Critical (Even If You Think It’s Overrated)

proper website maintenance for wordpress

People say that proper website maintenance is important. But you may be thinking, “our company website runs just fine, why should we have to maintain it all the time?”

I might say that your car runs fine as well, but you still maintain it from time to time to keep it running. Some might say that a website is not a car. And on and on it goes…

So let me clarify why I say that regular, proper website maintenance is critical…

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Watch Out For THIS Domain Name Scam

Watch Out For THIS Domain Name Scam! A Kudu Websites client contacted me, asking about an email he received from a “domain service” company. The client had recently registered the domain name mentioned in the email. He was concerned that he had neglected to do something important that might put his domain name at risk. …

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Why Your Unsecure Website Can Hurt Your Business (and How To Fix It)

unsecure website to secure

Yes, your unsecure website can hurt your business! Why? It’s all about trust.

We live in a world where all kinds of crooks hang out. The online world is the same. There are all sorts of crooks and hackers. They range from “script kiddies” (amateur hackers) to cyber criminals to government-sponsored hackers.

This leaves us with a range of people looking for ways to exploit anything they can on the web.

That includes your business website! Or more specifically, the information that travels between your website and its visitors. 

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How To Write Articles That Attract Visitors To Your Website (Even If You’re Not Hemingway)

write articles for your website
Write articles for your website

So somebody said, “you need to write articles for your website.”

But there’s a little problem… you don’t quite know how to go about doing that.

The good news is that you can learn to write articles. Not just any articles either. You can learn to write great articles that your readers will love and share with friends.

And you don’t have to be Hemingway or Stephen King to do it either.

Yes, it will take a little effort to learn. But you can do it… especially if you understand the process.

In this article, I explain the process. You will learn how to write articles for your website that your readers will enjoy and share.

It all starts with…

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Why Businesses Should Use Email Marketing (And How To Do It Right)

email marketing
Email marketing offers a lot of potential sales

Some people say email is dead.

But you know what? They are dead, flat wrong!

Email is alive and well. And what’s more, Internet marketers regard email marketing as the number 1 activity that all businesses should engage in on the Internet.

Do you use email marketing in your business? If not, it’s time to begin.

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